タイトル:Minerva キャラクター名:ミネルヴァ 年齢: 性別:女 髪の色: / 瞳の色: / 肌の色: 身長: 体重: 種族:エラドリン レベル:4 Lv クラス: ■能力値■ HP:38 (回復力:9 / 回復回数: 8) イニシアティブ:1     筋力 耐久 敏捷 知力 判断 魅力 作成時  12  10   8  11  15  17 種族    0   0   0   2   0   2 他修正 成長等               1   1 =合計=  12  10   8  13  16  20 ■技能■ 技能  習得 種族 特技 判定値 メモ 運動   -      -1 持久力  -      -2 軽業   -      -2 隠密   -      -3 盗賊   -      -3 魔法学  - 2     5 歴史   - 2     5 宗教   ○      8 地下探検 -      5 治療   ○      10 看破   ○      10 自然   -      5 知覚   -      5 はったり -      7 交渉   ○      12 威圧   -      7 事情通  -      7 ■パワー■ パワー名の前のマーク ○:無限回パワー ☆:遭遇毎パワー □:一日毎パワー !:武器 数字:増幅 *:汎用 《パワー名》            /タイミング/判定/対象/防御/射程/取得   /効果など 《☆フェイ・ステップ》       /移動 /  /自身/  /  /エラドリン/ 《*Divine Challenge》       /Minor//One creature in burst//Close burst 5//5(radiant) [Divine, Radiant] Effect: You mark the target. The target remains marked until you use this power against another target, or if you fail to engage the target (see below). A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place.     While the target is marked, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that doesn't include you as a target. The first time it makes an attack that doesn't include you as a target before the start of your next turn, you can use an immediate reaction to deal radiant damage to the target equal to your Charisma modifier (+5). The damage increases to 2 + your Charisma modifier (+5) at 11th level and 4 + your Charisma modifier (+5) at 21st level.     On your turn, you must engage the target you challenged or challenge a different target. To engage the target, you must either attack it or end your turn adjacent to it. If none of these events occur by the end of your turn, the marked condition ends and you can't use divine challenge on your next turn.     You can use divine challenge once per turn. Special: Even though this ability is called a challenge, it doesn't rely on the intelligence or language ability of the target. It's a magical compulsion that affects the creature's behavior, regardless of the creature's nature. You can't place a divine challenge on a creature that is already affected by your or another character's divine challenge. 《*Ardent Surge》         /Minor//You or one ally//Close burst 5//1HS+1d6(heal) [Healing, Psionic] Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain 1d6 additional hit points. Mantle of Clarity: The target gains a +1 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. 《○Virtuous Strike》       /Standard/魅力/One creature/AC/Melee weapon//1d8+11(radiant) [Divine, Radiant, Weapon] Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier (+5) radiant damage, and you gain a +2 bonus to saving throws until the start of your next turn. Special: This power can be used as a melee basic attack. 《○Energizing Strike (Augment 0)》/Standard/魅力/One creature/AC/Melee weapon//1d8+8 [Augmentable, Healing, Psionic, Weapon] Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier (+5) damage, and one ally within 5 squares of you gains temporary hit points equal to one-half your level + your Charisma modifier (+5). 《1Energizing Strike (Augment 1)》/Standard/魅力/One creature/AC/Melee weapon//1d8+8 [Augmentable, Healing, Psionic, Weapon] Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier (+5) damage, and one dying ally within 5 squares of you regains hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+5). 《2Energizing Strike (Augment 2)》/Standard/魅力/One creature/AC/Melee weapon//2d8+8 [Augmentable, Healing, Psionic, Weapon] Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier (+5) damage, and you or one ally within 5 squares of you can spend a healing surge. 《☆Invigorating Smite》      /Standard/魅力/One creature/意思/Melee weapon//2d8+8 [Divine, Healing, Weapon] Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier (+5) damage. If you are bloodied, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier (+3). Bloodied allies within 5 squares of you also regain hit points equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier (+3). 《□Implanted Suggestion》     /Standard/判断/One creature/意思/Melee weapon//2d8+8 [Charm, Psionic, Weapon] Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier (+5) damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: The target is affected by your suggestion (save ends). Until the suggestion ends, whenever the target makes an attack, one ally adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against it as a free action after the target's attack is resolved. 《*Divine Counter》        /Imm Interrupt////Personal// Trigger: An enemy hits your Fortitude, Reflex, or Will Effect: You take only half damage from the triggering enemy's attack, and the triggering enemy is subject to your divine sanction until the end of its next turn. 《!Sunblade Longsword +1》    /Free////Personal// Power (At-Will • Radiant): Free Action. All damage dealt by this weapon is radiant damage. Another free action returns the damage to normal. 《!Sunblade Longsword +1》    /Standard/筋力/Each enemy in the burst/反応/Close burst 1//1d8(radiant) Power (Daily • Radiant): Standard Action. You cause motes of light to burst out and attach to your enemies. Make an attack: Close burst 1; targets enemies; Strength vs. Reflex (apply a bonus to the attack roll equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus); on a hit, the target takes 1d8 radiant damage. 《!Psyweave Cloak》        /Minor////Personal// Power (Daily * Augmentable): Minor Action. You gain resist 5 to all damage until the start of your next turn. Augment 1: Increase the resistance by 5. 《!Acrobat Boots》        /Minor////Personal// Power (At-Will): Minor Action. Stand up from prone. ■クラス特性と特技■ 《種族特性名》   /条件/効果など 《エラドリンの意志》/  /[魅了]効果に対するセーヴィング・スローに+5の種族ボーナスを得る。 《トランス》    /  /6時間の睡眠の変わりに4時間のトランスで大休憩を行える。トランス中も周囲に普段どおりに注意を払っていられる。 《追加技能》    /  /技能に追加がある。クラスが選択に対応していれば計算済み。詳細は技能の欄を確認すること。 《武器習熟追加》  /  /習熟している武器が増える。クラスが選択に対応していれば計算済み。詳細は武器の欄を確認すること。 《クラス特性名》/条件/効果など 《》      /  / 《特技》        /条件      /効果など 《追加パワー》     /        /無限回パワーとして、ディヴァイン・チャレンジ、レイ・オン・ハンズの2つを得る。パワー欄に追記すること。 《明晰の心衣》     /        /自分と自分から5マス以内の味方全員は、機会攻撃に対する全防御値に+(あなたの【判】)。さらに、あなたから5マス以内の味方全員は<看破>および<知覚>判定に+2 《追加パワー》     /        /アーデント・サージを得る。 《パワー増幅》     /        /遭遇毎パワーの選択を失う代わりに、パワーポイントを2点得る。このポイントは休憩ごとに回復し、無限回パワーの効力を高めるのに使用する。 《Hybrid Talent》   /ハイブリッド  /Gain a hybrid talent option for one of your hybrid class entries: [Paladin Armor Proficiency] 《Eladrin Soldier》  /エラドリン   /+2 damage and proficiency with longswords and spears 《Mantle of Readiness》/アーデント、心衣/You and allies gain +2 speed during surprise rounds and the first non-surprise round ■装備■ ・武器 価格 能力 修正 命中 目標 威力 能力 修正 追ダメ 名称            / 備考    魅力     11  AC  1d8 魅力      8 Virtuous Strike      /    魅力     11  AC  1d8 魅力      8 Energizing Strike(Aug:0-1) /    魅力     11  AC  2d8 魅力      8 Energizing Strike(Aug:2)  /    魅力     11 意思  2d8 魅力      8 Invigorating Smite     /    魅力     11 意思  2d8 魅力      8 Implanted Suggestion    / =価格合計= 860 G ・防具    AC 修正 頑健 反応 意思 移動 判定  価格  名称 / 備考 鎧 : 8   1           -1  -2   840 プレート・アーマー / Black Iron: You gain resist 5 fire and resist 5 necrotic. 盾 : 2         2        -2   10 ヘヴィ・シールド / 首 :    1                  680 Psyweave Cloak / Psyweave Cloak: Magic item daily power. 修正: 基本:  10   11  11  15 種族:       2      1   6 =合計=  23   16  16  19   5  -4  1530 G ・装飾品     価格 名称     / 効果  頭 :          /  腕 :          / 両手 :          /  腰 :          /  脚 :520  Acrobat Boots / Gain a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks. Magic item at-will power. 指輪1:          / 指輪2:          / =合計=520 G ■所持品■ 名称        価格 重量 備考 Adventurer's Kit  33  15  Backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, belt pouch, sunrods*2, trailrations*10days, hempen rope(50ft.), waterskin Potion of Healing 0   50  Power (Consumable * Healing): Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points. Coins       1      所持金 =所持品合計=     65 G (重量 109/上限120) =装備合計=     2910 G = 価格総計 =    2975 G 所持金     65G    0S    0C ■その他■ 経験点:0点 (Lv.4) 成長履歴: No.獲得経験点(達成/ボーナス) メモ 0     0点(   /  ) 1     0点(   /  ) 2     0点(   /  ) メモ: Deity: Correllon Alignment: Good